
Does your baby prefer to look in one direction?


The problem may actually be coming from a muscle on the opposite side of the neck! The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) is a muscle in the neck that’s function is to rotate to neck to the opposite side and tilt the neck to the same side.

π“π¨π«π­π’πœπ¨π₯π₯𝐒𝐬 occurs when the SCM is shortened or contracted, resulting in a preference to look in one direction and/or tilt in the opposite direction.

Commonly, we see a shortened left SCM which leads to right rotation and a left tilt. ⁣

What causes torticollis?⁣

Torticollis may be a result of positioning in the womb, stretching of the muscle during birth, or the muscle may become tight because the baby has a preference to look to one side only.⁣

Why do we want to treat torticollis? ⁣

  • A baby who has decreased neck range of motion (ROM) and a preference to look in one direction can develop a positional plagiocephaly, commonly known as infant β€œflat head” (See our last blog post!)

  • Finding midline (the middle) is an important developmental skill and can be delayed in babies who have torticollis ⁣

  • Integration of certain reflexes (e.g. ATNR) can be delayed with a persistent head preference ⁣

Treatment for torticollis involves gentle stretching and strengthening of baby’s neck muscles and positioning strategies to reduce a preference for one side. ⁣

If you notice that your baby has a tendency to look more towards one direction, speak to your healthcare provider for advice.