Orthotic Helmets

Some babies may require a customized orthotic helmet to correct their plagiocephaly.

A few things to keep in mind when considering a helmet: ⁣

  • The optimal time to use helmet is between 5 and 7 months of age, when the baby's head is rapidly growing. That being said, helmet therapy can be initiated as late as 12 months old.

  • Having an assessment by an orthotist at 4 months of age is ideal, to allow time to monitor for change and make a decision prior to 5 months of age.

  • Torticollis (tight neck muscle) or a delay in motor skills can make strategies like counter positioning more difficult and less effective.

  • Given that plagiocephaly does not impact brain growth or development, correction is often considered “cosmetic only”. However, severe asymmetries can affect things like wearing glasses or sporting helmets⁣

  • You do not need a referral to have an assessment by an orthotist or a physiotherapist. ⁣

If you are at all concerned about the shape of your baby’s head, speak to your health care provider.⁣